Online Masters Degree In Distance Education

College of Education - Florida State University

Student Survey

(All responses will be kept confidential)



Please fill in the circle or answer the question.

1. What is your gender? female male

2. What is your age?

3. How many years has it been since you received your bachelors degree? years

4. Indicate your level of completed formal education.
BA/BS + 15 Sem. Cr.
MA/MS + 15 Sem. Cr.

5. How many total online courses have you taken previously and are you taking this term?

6. How many hours do you spend per week on a 3 credit online course?

7. What best describes your current professional position?
Full-time student- no other full time position
Education - not a teacher
Business � not training
Other � Please Specify

Please answer the following questions by circling yes or no.
If yes, please indicate your level of satisfaction about the topic of the question. Use the scale below to determine your answer. Leave questions blank that you have no opinion about.

1 = not satisfied, but acceptable
2 = somewhat satisfied
3 = satisfied
4 = very satisfied

Are you satisfied with your COURSES & CURRICULUM? Satisfied?  If yes, what is your level of satisfaction?

1. Required course selection? No If Yes => 4

2. Elective course selection?

No If Yes => 4
3. Content of required courses? No If Yes => 4
4. Content of elective courses? No If Yes => 4
5. Online teaching techniques used? No If Yes => 4
6. Grading & Assessment requirements for courses? No If Yes => 4
7. Level of difficulty of your online course�s content? No If Yes => 4
8. Relevance of the curriculum to the professional world? No If Yes => 4
1 = not satisfied, but acceptable
2 = somewhat satisfied
3 = satisfied
4 = very satisfied

Are you satisfied with your INSTRUCTORS? Satisfied? If yes, what is your level of satisfaction? (These items refer to the primary person leading the online courses you have taken or are taking)
9. Faculty content knowledge? No If Yes => 4
10. Faculty skills and techniques for online teaching? No If Yes => 4
11. Faculty interaction with you? No If Yes => 4
12. Faculty feedback on projects? No If Yes => 4
Are you satisfied with:
13. The number of required courses?
(of the total number of courses in the program)
No If Yes => 4
14. The number of elective courses?
(of the total number of courses in the program)
No If Yes => 4
15. The program�s portfolio experience? No If Yes => 4
16. The program�s effort to prepare you for a professional position? No If Yes => 4
17. FSU�s technical support services? No If Yes => 4
18. FSU�s library support for distant learners? No If Yes => 4

Please answer the following general questions about the Online D.L. program (1 = Poor, 4 = Excellent)
19. Overall program rating. 4
20. How would you rate the curriculum? 4
21. How would you rate the faculty (primary teachers of your online courses)? 4
22. How would you rate the program-related support systems provided to you? 4
23. How would you rate the texts and other printed materials used? 4
24. How would you rate Florida State University�s support of the Online D.L. Program? 4

25. What would you recommend to improve the program (list 3)?

26. What do you like best about the program (list 3)?

27. What was/is your favorite course?

28. Why is this your favorite course? Please be specific.

29. Would you recommend this program to others? Why or why not?

30. If you had totally free choice without concern for finances, job responsibilities, family responsibilities or geography, how likely would you be to select an online distance education program versus a more traditional face-to-face program?
Explain your answer below.

31. Do you have additional comments? (For example, problems accessing information online) Please provide them.